Since 2012, the Maritime Anti-corruption Network (MACN) and the Convention on Business Integrity (CBi), have been part of several initiatives to build integrity and improve the operating environment at Nigerian Sea Ports and Terminals. Government agencies have developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide their personnel, stakeholders and users of their services in order to reduce the risk of corruption and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ports and terminals operations. Using data from feedback surveys launched by MACN and CBi, the Nigerian Sea Ports and Terminals Integrity Rating measures the effectiveness and efficiency of vessel and cargo clearance procedures in different ports and terminals. The rating looks at the accessibility and transparency of SOPs, their consistency of application, and the predictability of time and cost for vessel and cargo clearance. It helps all stakeholders benchmark and track the performance of ports and terminals and aims to encourage a culture of integrity across operations in Nigerian Sea Ports and Terminals.
:: Methodology for Rating
Weighing System for Survey Responses
Response Selection
Weight (%)
Extremely Transparent
Very Transparent
Somewhat Transparent
Not So Transparent
Not At All Transparent
:: Overall Ratings for Nigerian Sea Ports and Terminals
Total Score for Each Port (for Transparency, Consistency, or Predictability) (%)