Democratizing Globalization: A Conversation with Soji Apampa, Co-Founder/CEO Convention on Business Integrity

This video is a part of an ongoing series on think tanks and the Free Enterprise Democracy Network (FEDN). In this particular conversation, Soji Apampa, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Convention on Business Integrity, and CIPE’s Kim Bettcher virtually discussed the concept of “Democratizing Globalization.”
Democratizing Globalization raises questions on economic development and democracy. Soji provided many examples of Nigeria’s experience with COVID-19, especially as it pertains to democracy and a free market, both of which provide innovative answers to problems new and old.
Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy, and an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It was founded on the principle that economic freedom and political freedom are linked. A strong private sector needs a flourishing democracy to work – and vice-versa. Their work centers on building strong democratic institutions to create an enabling environment for business and entrepreneurship to flourish.
The Free Enterprise and Democracy Network (FEDN) aims to promote the economic underpinnings of democratic transition and bring private sector voices into global discourse on democracy. The network provides a mechanism for private sector leaders and advocates of economic freedom across the world to exchange ideas and support, and make the case for democratic, prosperous societies.
FEDN’s experts advise and provide technical assistance on market reform in democratic transitions. They also participate in global fora such as the World Movement for Democracy and the Community of Democracies, where they help to frame understanding of priority issues concerning democracy and development. Finally, the network shares successes, lessons, and challenges in democratic and market reform.