Highlights from Regulatory Conversations 5.0

The fifth edition of Regulatory Conversations (RC 5.0) series, themed “National Integrity Barometer: A Roadmap for 2020” took place on the 10th of December 2019. It addressed the various private-led integrity interventions in the systems and institutions in the Nation as well as provided the platform to discuss the effectiveness of the interventions. It also provided the unique opportunity for the stakeholders to discuss on what should be a sustainable roadmap for 2020.
The Executive Director of the Integrity Organization, Mr. Apampa acknowledged the role of international corruption watchdog, Transparency International (TI), in developing a global corruption Index, that captures Nigeria as one of the world’s leading corrupt nations, but fails to highlight the areas that need to be addressed to reduce the incidence of corruption. According to him, “Nigeria needs a barometer to reflect the changing narrative in tackling corruption.”
He said that the barometer would provide an opportunity for Nigeria to build its institutions on integrity, as it changes its corruption perception globally. Apampa gave the example of the Nigerian maritime sector that has experienced remarkable reforms since 2012. In his words, “This barometer seeks to highlight what works, why it is working and signal policy options that could scale up the impact and learning opportunities.”