Mr. Soji Apampa, CEO, Integrity Organization presents practical tips for doing business in Nigeria at the Transparency International- United Kingdom (TI-UK) Business Integrity Forum Meeting in London
In line with the organization’s drive to consistently add our voice to the growing concerns of corruption and seeking practical ways to curb the menace, Mr. Soji Apampa, CEO, Integrity Organisation has been invited as one of the experts on anti-Corruption issues in Nigeria to make a presentation on practical tips for doing business in Nigeria at the above forum scheduled to hold in London on November 23rd, 2017.
The Business Integrity Forum (BIF), is a group of corporate supporters committed to the fight against corruption. The BIF was established in the late 1990s and, since the introduction of the UK Bribery Act and subsequent increase in anti-bribery enforcement, has grown into a lively forum.
The BIF holds bi-annual anti-corruption conferences each year, with experts from in-house compliance, legal, risk and external/public relations professionals in attendance. In addition to these meetings, TI-UK organises regular roundtables on current anti-corruption developments to keep members up-to-date on the latest thinking.
TI-UK regularly invites BIF members to help inform views of anti-corruption best practice and our advocacy on related policy areas by joining working groups and advisory committees.